Simple Communication
As ID professionals, we all know
that effective communication is essential to any project. Communication is the bridge to building and
maintaining working relationships. If done properly, communication can bring
people together for a common cause. If done improperly, communication can poke
holes in the best of intentions.
There are several forms
communications may take place during our project endeavors. The most common in this day and age occurs
through email. Sending an email is one of the most common ways to communicate
across office structures, especially in work environments where the usage of
mobile devices such as cell phones for texting, are limited or simply
prohibited. Either way, text communications can have their drawbacks. The following email message for example,
gives the impression that although this co-worker is requesting specific data
to complete her report by the deadline, receiving the data is not that urgent
of a matter. She leaves the window open for Mike to respond whenever he feels
he has the opportunity to get around to it. What do you think?
Hi Mark,
I know
you have been busy and possibly in that all day meeting today, but I really
need an ETA on the missing report.
Because you r report contains data I need to finish my report, I might miss my
own deadline if I don’t get your
report soon. Please let me know when you think you can get your report sent
over to me, or even if you can
send the data I need in a separate email. I really appreciate your help.
Education, Inc

This same message sent via
voicemail, evokes a little more feeling. The courteous and professional tone of
the message urges you to reply in kind, but does not necessarily move you to
act immediately.
In the face to face meeting, Mike is
confronted with the issue first hand. Although the tone is consistently polite
and professional, you can see the concern on the co-worker’s face, which
provokes an immediate response. Making a request in person also carries with it
the weight of urgency, meaning if someone is willing to take the time out of
their busy schedule to come see you about a matter, then that signals that an
immediate response is expected.
So this experience has proven what
we’ve already known about communication, as the interaction decreases, the
potential for misinterpretation increases. What does this mean for
communication efforts between team members? That communications should be specific, professional,
and time sensitive when requesting or sending information to others. My personal rule of thumb is to make sure to include
the: who, when, where and how as much as possible, especially when talking to
others from a distance (email, text, written or voicemail). What would you do?
The Art of Communication. (n.d.).
[Video] Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved from:
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